Q: What is a barcode?
A: A Barcode is a specific type of 12-digit (UPC) or 13-digit (EAN) barcode which allows retailers to manage sales and inventory of a product. Barcodes are required for all general use products worldwide.
Q: How do I receive my EAN & UPC barcodes?
A: With every order you'll receive an email which includes your EAN & UPC number assignment in three different formats (eps, pdf, jpeg), a Certificate, and a copy of your invoice.
Q: How do I place an order and what payment methods?
A: You can place an order online by selecting from one of our packages. We accept payments online using EFT bank transfer or credit / debit card. You can also email us requesting an invoice. After you receive the Invoice or have paid online one of our sales representatives will process your transaction and send you your barcode package.
Q: Will my barcode work with any product?
A: Yes, all retail products use the standard UPC or EAN Barcode system.
Q: How many EAN / UPC barcodes do I need?
A: The rule is that you'll need one barcode per item, as well as one barcode per variation (color, size, style). For example, if you’re selling a one-size fits all winter hat in four different colors you will then need 4 Barcodes.
Q: How does my product become associated with the Barcode?
- You purchase a Barcode number assignment.
- You apply your 12-digit / 13-digit Barcode to your product.
- You contact the retailer and provide them with your products details,
the barcode number, a well as company information. - The retailer registers your information into their sales & inventory
management system, associating your product and company with the barcode. - Your product is scanned at the register and your sales & inventory is easily tracked.
Q: Can I use these barcodes on Amazon?
A: No. You will need to buy directly from GS1.
Q: Will my barcode expire? Will I have to pay any other fees after the initial purchase?
A: Never. Your single barcode price is simply R150.00.
Q: Can my graphic designer alter the size of the Barcode you sent me to fit on my packaging design?
A: When changing the size of any barcode we recommend following the below rules and regulations. The eps (vector file) is best to use in a design program like Adobe Illustrator. When you open the EPS file in Adobe Illustrator you must Flatten the transparency by clicking Object>Flatten Transparencies BEFORE you re-size. You must always keep the same height to width ratio when altering the original size. You may crop the black and white lines off the top but the height should be no less than .5" tall. The smallest barcode measurement size should be no less than approximately 1.25" x .5". Always test scan after reshaping.
Q: Why should I purchase through you?
A: We do not charge any renewal fees. After placing an order, you will receive your barcodes within a few hours.
Q: Will my barcode work in every store?
A: Our barcodes are valid worldwide at all stores besides Pick n Pay. With Pick n Pay you will need to go directly through their partnership company GS1 to obtain a prefix and join their membership program.
Q:I have more questions, is someone available to speak with me?
A: If you have any further questions our barcode specialists are available to speak with you over the phone Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. You can also reach us using the livechat or via email.

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- No Renewal Fees
- No Hidden Fees
- No Additional Setup Costs
- Bulk Discount Pricing

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With each order you will receive an assignment of EAN and UPC numbers in the barcode graphic of three different formats (eps, jpeg, pdf), a certificate and a copy of your invoice.